Thursday 10 October 2013

Boots No.7 Haul and Review!

Since doing the skincare tag it really hit me just how little I knew and cared about skincare. I decided it was time to start looking after my skin because I cared so much about what I was putting on my face but not my face itself. 
Over the summer I have gradually been buying skincare bits and I've really gotten into it, I have spent rather a lot but my skin has noticed the difference and has been dramatically better in such a short space of time. As you will know I love a good spend up in boots and before when they would give me £5 off No.7 skincare I would either throw or give it away and just keep the make up voucher, I've had a few of these vouchers and have put a couple to use and paired with the 3 for 2 offer that's been going on this month have managed to grab myself some bargains. 
I love buying 'maybe-products' on sale or with a voucher because then if I don't like them or my skin doesn't like them then I haven't spent much and it's not the end of the world! Here are the 6 items that I bought from No.7, I bought them a few weeks ago to give me time to try them out and review them for you!

Beautiful Skin Purifying Exfoliator

First up is the Purifying Exfoliator for normal/oily skin. As you will see throughout the post I buy different products for different skin types because my skin is the definition of combination skin. My cheeks are ridiculously dry especially in the winter but my T-zone can get quite oily especially if I leave make up on too long so I got this little gem to combat that. I've been using it every other day in the shower with my daily cleanser and I really like it, my skin doesn't feel oily and the beads are the right size that they don't hurt your skin but actually feel like they're doing something unlike other scrubs I've tried! To buy without any discounts this product is £8 and as I'm new to skincare I don't really know how much high-end products cost but for a drugstore product I'd say that's quite good. My skin has never been oily but I would recommend this for people who like me just have the odd day where they need it or certain section of their face that gets oily.

Protect and Perfect Eye Cream

Next up is the Protect and Perfect Eye Cream, I'm pretty sure this was in the 'Youth' section which I love because it is never too early to start taking care of your skin, it will be better in the long run. I love eye make up and I noticed since I've been back at uni that my tired eyes mixed with heavy make up have really had an impact on my skin. I bought this and I am so glad I did, it's really helped smooth out the lines where I had bags under my eyes and my skin is a lot softer and brighter around my eyes. I highly recommend this product to anyone who like me puts a lot of eye make up on because it really is a life saver! I also have very sensitive eyes so was so relieved when not only did this work but it didn't irritate my eyes one bit. It costs £15 for the teeny 15ml tube but you need the tiniest amount so it will still last a long time, definitely worth the money!

Beautiful Skin Rapid Spot Rescue 

I've always been really lucky with my skin in that I hardly ever had spots growing up and even now, if I ever get one it literally is just one or two. However, while I am grateful to have minimal spots the ones I do get are usually huge and very noticeable so when I saw this I thought I'd give it a go. I wasn't convinced that it would work but with the 3 for 2 offer it was free so I risked it and I am so glad I did. This really does reduce the size and dulls the bright colour of spots within about 2 days. I can have a spot last up to a week and a half so the fact that I had them go so quickly was so surprising to me. This product is £9.95 but you use such a tiny amount and only when you get a spot that it's going to last a very long time! Very happy with this product, I will definitely keep using it.

Beautiful Skin Hydration Mask

I bought this Hydration mask purely for the packaging. Not even going to lie I am a sucker for nice packaging. I love No.7 products because everything looks so natural and everything they sell is Hypo-Allergenic which is perfect for my ridiculously sensitive skin. I've been using this about once a week after a day at uni where I've been outside and travelling and my skin is particularly tired and worn. I apply this to mainly my cheeks avoiding my nose and brow area as I think this would cause it to be oily but it's worked wonders on my dry cheeks. It says to wipe off then rinse but I found it easier to just rinse off in the shower as it is really thick. I think it looks so pretty in the tube, layers of gel and cream but then when you pump it it mixes together and is a thick soft cream. You get 100ml for £12.50 and you only need one pump per use so again this is a really good price for what you get. 

Beautiful Skin Eye-Make Up Remover

Since February time I've been using Bioderma to remove my face make up and I hate to say it but it is really bad at removing eye make up, I never really thought to buy a separate one but I am so glad I did. I'd tried the Clinique one and was tempted to buy a full sized bottle but when I saw this at half the price I went for this instead and it is easily as good if not better. This removes eyeliner and mascara so quickly and is so gentle and doesn't leave a nasty residue over my eyes like the clinique one. My eyes feel so refreshed after using this. I also love the colour of the liquid and the seperation between the oils and the water in the bottle, it's so pretty. No.7 really do excel with their simple but effective packaging! This is only £8.50 for 100ml and while you will use this up quicker than the other products it isn't much to pay especially when you have a £5 off voucher making it only £3.50! This is so much kinder on the skin than make up wipes, I am converted and never going back!

Beautiful Skin Night Cream 

The last thing I got is this night cream for dry/very dry skin. I apply this right at the end of the day before bed after I've taken all my make up off. This moisturiser is seriously a god send. I was using my daily moisturiser for about 2 weeks before I started using this and it was nowhere near as soft as it is now, the change is amazing! I don't put this on my T-zone as it is really super thick but it has helped clear up the dry skin on my cheeks dramatically. You need the tiniest amount when applying otherwise it does tend to go a bit greasy and heavy which is never nice especially just before bed. A 50ml tub of this is £13.50 which isn't bad at all! If you have dry skin I highly recommend this product.

All in all it was a pretty successful haul. I got all of this for £39 when it should have cost £67.50! I've found a few products that will become staples in my skincare routine and all of them have helped my skin so much. I wasn't expecting amazing things from the products because they are all quite cheap considering what you get but they have exceeded expectations by miles. Highly recommend all of these! I will do a follow up post with my daily skincare routine 

Bethan :)

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