Tuesday 29 October 2013

The Autumn Tag

I took this picture today which officially means it is the Autumn! Summer has gone which I am sad about but there's lots about the autumn and winter to look forward to and thought now would be a good time to do the Autumn tag! 

1. What is your favourite thing about Autumn?
My favourite thing about autumn is probably the turn of the weather when we get to start wearing coats and boots and scarves! And I love the colours of the trees and the falling leaves they just make everywhere so pretty. Oh and I love baths, especially Lush baths! But I only like them when it's cold out so I guess that is one of my favourite things about winter.

2. Staple clothing piece for Autumn?

3. Staple Make Up item for Autumn?
Plum coloured blush and rosey lip colours

4. Favourite Nail Polish for Autumn?
110% Navy Blue it's my favourite and I look forward to autumn/winter when I can wear it again!

5. Favourite Autumn Scent?
Everything and Anything that has cinnamon in it, its my favourite smell!

6. Favourite Autumn Beauty Trend?
I don't know if this counts but I love the backwards ombre look I am just nowhere near brave enough to dye my hair! I love smoky brown eyes and warm cheek colours too.

7. Favourite way to Accessorise in Autumn?
Cannot live without my scarves! The majority of mine come from Fat Face they do the best scarves.

8. Staple Skincare product for Autumn?
My Skin gets really dry at this time of year so I'm going to say any face mask, I love the No.7 Hydration Mask and the Lush ones.

9. Favourite Autumn Treat?
Chai Tea Latte they're heavenly and taste like Christmas which makes me so excited for winter!

10. What are you dressing up as for Halloween?
Nothing! I'm not going to a party which I'm very sad about and I think I'm a little too old to go trick or treating unfortunately :(

Thank you for tagging me Beki and Bethan, I tag anyone who wants to do this!

Bethan :)




  1. Hey! I've nominated you for a Sunshine Award! The blog post with all the details is linked below! Zoe x
